Page 24

  Rainn, Vegas, Stella, and Mia were all on their feet, whistling and clapping. Shiloh was still on the stage taking her tenth curtsey and lapping up the attention like a sponge. She was waving madly at everyone in our row and lifting up her tiny feet to show off her new boots.

  “Now, Daddy?” she suddenly shrieked out. The lights were in her eyes, and she couldn’t see exactly where I was sitting, so her head was looking in every direction. Good fucking God, this kid.

  “No, Squirt, not yet,” I answered back, getting curious stares from my brothers. But I wasn’t telling them shit. The very fact Shiloh had kept this secret for as long as she had surprised the fuck out of me, giving me hope I might just pull this off.

  “Okey-dokey, Ranger Joe,” she called back, then stomped off the stage. And I meant that quite literally.

  I sent Darth a death glare. “Really, arsehole. Must you teach her that shit?”



  Alexander the prick returned to the stage. His smile was wide as he picked up the microphone from the small stand.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, you are really in for a treat. To finish off this evening’s entertainment, we have a special performance of The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, requested by the stunningly beautiful Shiloh and danced for us by the exquisite and very talented Charlotte Jackson.”

  The clapping began as Charlie walked out onto the stage. Her white costume looked like she had a big white lacy plate around her middle. She had a diamond tiara on her head, and she looked magnificent. Then she started dancing.

  And I couldn’t look away.

  Her legs were going in all different directions, sometimes almost over her head. She spun so fast, I didn’t know how she didn’t get dizzy and throw up. Her steps were sure and deft, spinning herself across the stage in a large circle. On and on she spun and twirled herself, picking up speed with every rotation. Jesus Christ, she was fantastic. Mesmerising us all. The crowd was, all of a sudden, on their feet clapping their hands in appreciation of her efforts. And almost as soon as it had begun, the dance was over. She had a cheeky grin on her face, enjoying herself.

  Fuck, I was so in love with her. This was it. My happily-ever-after.

  Getting to my feet, I pushed my way out of the row and quickly made my way backstage. Charlie was too busy accepting the crowd’s applause to see that I had left my seat.

  “Deck, quick, over here.” Alexander the prick was ready and waiting with Shiloh and the massive bunch of colourful gerberas. Apparently, according to Shiloh, roses weren’t going to cut it for this moment. Charlie liked gerberas, so that was what I got.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate your help with this.”

  “My pleasure, friend. Charlotte is very special, and you both deserve this.”

  “Okay, Shiloh, out you go.” I put the bunch of flowers in her arms, and Alexander helped guide her to where Charlie was still curtseying to the crowd.

  I had this all planned. All I needed was for Shiloh to hold shit in for a few more minutes. As I watched my daughter head towards Charlie, I got ready to walk out on stage. Shiloh just had to hand Charlie the flowers, and I would take that exact moment to—”

  “Mummy, will you say yes when Daddy asks you to marry him?”

  And fuck it.

  Shaking my head in amusement and defeat, I walked past a laughing Alexander the prick and made my way out to the two most important people in my life, I was going to ask the most important question of my life, but Squirt beat me to it. Dammit, I was so close. She’d nearly made it.

  Charlie was looking at Shiloh as if she’d grown two heads. She hadn’t seen me yet. Huh, maybe I can salvage this a bit after all. Thinking quickly, I took the ring box from the pocket of my leather jacket and slid easily to one knee.

  “Sweetness,” I called out to her.

  Charlie looked from Shiloh to me, and the flowers that were in her arms dropped to the ground.

  “Mummy, you drops your flowers,” Shiloh scolded her, rushing to pick them up, but Charlie just had eyes for me.

  “Deck?” My name came out in a whisper like she was praying. Like she did when she was coming, and we had to be quiet.

  “I love you, Charlotte Jackson. I fucking love you more than I ever thought I would be able to love. You make me a better man. You make me happy. You make my world better. I love how you love our daughter, and I fucking love how you love me.”

  I gave her a cheeky wink, and when she blushed, I knew she was thinking exactly how I loved the ways she loved me.

  “Put me out of my misery, Sweetness, and marry my arse.”

  I stayed down on my knee for minutes as I watched Charlie focus on what I was actually doing at that moment. She was stunned speechless. Her face still flushed from her performance caused her chest to rise and fall rapidly.

  “Are you going to say yes and be my mummy forever?” Shiloh piped up. The blessed beauty and innocence of a child.

  And then Charlie smiled my smile.

  “You bet my behind I am, baby girl.”

  Then Charlie took off and leapt into my arms, her arms and legs wrapping around me tight as if she couldn’t or wouldn’t let go. And that was just fine with me. I held her to me. Her body was damp with perspiration, and I could smell the sweet smell of her peach body lotion. I took a deep breath and sighed. It worked—it fucking worked. I pulled back so I could see her beautiful face, and I grinned at her.

  “So that is a yes?” I asked drily.

  Charlie threw her head back and laughed. Fucking beautiful. And fucking mine.

  “That is an effing yes, Deck Johnston.” She giggled. It was goddamn music to my ears.

  “One of these days, Sweetness, I’m going to get you to scream out the word fuck so loud, my ears will ring for hours afterwards,” I whispered in her ear. I was mindful of the fact Shiloh was now dancing around us holding on to the microphone in her hand, chattering away to Darth from the stage.

  “In your dreams, soldier boy. I love you, too. Now, where is my ring?”



  “Oh God, oh my word. Yes, there. No, no, not that. Oohh, yeah, like that.” I was rambling incoherently. I knew it, but my man was down on his knees, my skirt was bunched around my waist, my panties were somewhere around here torn into two pieces, one of my legs was thrown over his shoulder, and his face was pushed between my thighs. And his glorious mouth, oh his mouth, was firmly latched onto my pulsing pussy.

  And he was feasting on me.

  Hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses, his tongue flat against my lips, slowly licking up and down. Somewhere in there, he added a twirling motion that set me on fire.

  Good golly, I loved his tongue.

  We had hardly made it back to the compound after accepting more congratulations from his brothers before he pulled me into our room, ripped the bodice of my top down, and worshipped my breasts like his life depended on it. I knew mine certainly did. And now, he was on his knees worshipping me again. My hand that had my new engagement ring was resting on his head, holding him against me as I shamelessly rode his face and tongue.

  I certainly saw lots of him on his knees in our future.

  “Deck, I’m coming, honey,” I cried out as I felt that spectacular tingle deep in my core. God, I loved that feeling, and Deck was so good at giving it to me.

  “Come in my mouth, Sweetness. Coat my throat, baby.”

  His growl sent vibrations through me, giving me that extra push I needed. And I came hard. There were stars behind my eyelids, and my throbbing core was pulsating, milking every last bit of essence from me straight onto my man’s clever tongue.

  “Oh, fuck yes, Charlie. I am so fucking hard. I need to be in you right now.” He growled again as he lapped up the last of my climax.

  Oh, God, I loved it when he growled against me like that.

  As fast as lightning, Deck had me down on the floor and under him, the carpet soft under my back. His mouth slammed down on mine,
and I could taste myself. I never thought I would enjoy that, but I did. And I loved that it didn’t bother him to kiss me after he had come in my mouth.

  “Sweetness, this is going to be fast and rough. I need you too badly. You okay with that?” Deck said as he held himself off me with one arm while he unbuckled his belt and freed his cock with the other. He was so strong, it turned me on that he could do those things, his muscles bulging and straining with each movement.

  “Hmmm, more than okay, honey. I want to feel you in me.” My wanton response got exactly the reaction I was looking for. His eyes were a deep, dark blue, almost black, with desire.

  “Take my cock, and position him, baby. Now. Before I come all over your pretty firm thighs.”

  “Well, we can’t have that,” I replied. I snaked my hand between our bodies and took a second to roll his balls in my hand, gently giving them a tiny squeeze, which earned me a love bite on my breast. My man loved marking me.

  “Charlie.” He grunted in warning. He was primed and on edge, so giving them one last caress, I deftly grabbed his cock, which was smooth and hard and warm all at once. The head was wet with his arousal, and I couldn’t help but poke the bear by running my thumb over the tip then rubbing the wetness all over the head.


  I loved that I was his sweetness.

  Shifting just a little, I held him against my very wet entrance. His grunt was now one of approval.

  “Ready?” he asked me but didn’t give me time to answer. He just rammed straight into me. The force of it moved me along the floor.

  “Deck.” My scream was loud, but holy crap, I was filled so full that it was almost painful. Almost but the pleasure of it outweighed any pain.

  “Fuck. Me. So. Fucking. Tight.” His words were in rhythm with his long, deep thrust. His hips moved like a piston in and out of me. He was setting a punishing rhythm, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  All too soon, I felt that spark from down deep in my core. Good God, did I have any self-control at all? Deck must have felt something, too, because he moved so my legs hooked over his arms. His upper body was off the floor, and my arse was in his lap. He loved that position. He loved to watch. Pushing harder into me, I watched him watching us. His eyes were molten, and his neck muscles corded from the exertion of his thrusts. He was so turned on. I loved the looks he got on his face. Sometimes, he looked almost dangerous, and it turned me on, knowing I could get that reaction from him.

  Then, suddenly, something came over me. I moved my left hand down to where we were joined and rubbed my clit with small rounded strokes. My finger also caressed his cock as he pulled out and then pushed back in me. My engagement ring shone thanks to the lamp right beside us.

  “Mother fucking fuck! Sweetness, oh yes, that is so it. Touch us, touch us,” he cried out.

  I was done for as his cries and dirty words sent me crashing over the edge. I let out a strangled scream as the white light behind my eyes signalled my third orgasm for the night. My fingers continued their assault on his cock and my now pulsating clit.

  “God, yes, Charlie, don’t stop touching us. I’m coming. I’m coming.” Deck’s harsh bark then deep groan filled the room as his throbbing cock released deep inside me, filling me with his seed.

  We lay there for a long time just panting against each other’s mouths, stealing the breath from one another as we tried to regain control of our hearts. But I didn’t ever want to control my heart ever again. I wanted it out of control for this man for the rest of my life.

  “You’re going to be my wife,” Deck said in awe.

  “Abso-effing-lutely.” I laughed.


  “What are your plans today?” Deck asked as he watched me cut up fruit for Shiloh’s and my breakfast.

  Deck had made bacon and eggs for himself like always, and sometimes, I joined him, but today, my stomach was a little unsettled. Actually, it had been all week, and the drinking session the other night probably hadn’t helped much. Now that the recital was behind us and the stress of that was over, we could relax briefly for a few days until it started again for preparations for Shiloh’s fourth birthday. I had already organised the activities for the party and the decorations, and I had ordered her cake—I couldn’t wait for our little girl to see her pink custom-made princess castle cake. Darth had wanted her to have one made in the image of a Glock 38 handgun, and I quickly vetoed that idea, but I had no illusions he wouldn’t go behind my back and get one made for her, anyway.

  “Umm, I’m dropping Shiloh off at Jason’s, and then Stella and I are taking the ballet costumes back.”

  “Fuck, shit. Sorry, Sweetness, I forgot all about it. Jason told me at the recital he couldn’t have Squirt today. With everything that happened last night at the recital and afterwards, I forgot to tell you,” he said, raising his eyebrows comically.

  I squirmed in my seat. I was definitely still feeling the effects of last night.

  “Oh. Okay, then, it looks like we three chickies are having a road trip then.”

  “She can stay with Vegas if you want.”

  “No way. Taking Shiloh with us is no hassle at all. Stella wants to come get away from things for a bit, and taking Shiloh with us will be a good distraction for her. Plus, I get even more girl time with our daughter.” I loved saying that—our daughter. Shiloh’s acceptance of the whole situation made it so easy just to slip into a mother’s role. My mother wasn’t much of one to me all my life, and for some people, that might have turned them off wanting to have their own kids, but not me. No, I wanted a whole passel of kids. Boys and girls, all in the image of their father.

  “I love it when you say that,” Deck whispered coming up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

  I giggled. “I was just thinking that exact same thing. What are you up to?” I turned in his arms and looked up into his handsome face. Straightaway, I noticed a flash of anger cross his features before his training had him reeling it in. “What? Has something happened?”

  “Calm down, Sweetness. It’s nothing too bad. Just some more annoying shit at the construction site. And at the strip club.”

  I knew what he was saying was, in reality, more than just some annoying things happening, but he would never let me know how bad it really was. His need to protect his club and his family was embedded so deep in his DNA, there was no way I could ever get him to let me help him. So instead, I helped in my own way by not worrying him or adding to his stress load.

  “Okay, honey, if you say so. Let me go get Shiloh so we can get on the road. It is a two hour or more trip both ways. We are going to have to stop for lunch when we get there.” Oh, God, just the thought of food was making my stomach roll. If I was honest, I had a weird feeling about the nausea—it didn’t last all day, and by the early afternoon, I normally felt great. I guess I was being an ostrich by keeping my head in the sand for a little bit longer. Just a few weeks, just in case I was barking up the wrong tree.

  “Sweetness, are you okay? You look pale,” Deck asked, concern colouring his voice.

  I waved off his concern. “I’m fine, honey, just looking forward to some relaxing time.”

  “Charlie, maybe you shouldn’t be driving today. We can pay the late fee, fuck it.”

  “No way. If we do that, the next time I need costumes, the old bat will charge through the nose. Seriously, honey, I’m okay, and anyway, Stella is driving, so no need to worry.” Desperate to get Deck off this conversation, I gave him a sweet smile.

  “I adore my ring, honey.” It wasn’t just a subject change because I really did. The blush pink diamond set in a rose gold setting was exquisite. The diamond was heart-shaped in a halo setting with diamonds twinkling all around it. It was so feminine and pretty, so me.

  Deck opened his arms, and I willingly walked into them. I felt his warmth and loved it, and I wanted to stand like that for hours, but I couldn’t. Shiloh needed to be fed and dressed
. But before that, I wanted just a few more minutes with my fiancé.

  “I can’t wait to marry you, Deck,” I whispered into his shirt-covered pec, my hands splayed across his back as I felt his muscles ripple under them.

  “Pick a date, and make it soon, Sweetness. If you want a big wedding with the dress and bridesmaids, fine, but make sure it’s soon. So get that flock together, and figure this shit out. I want you wed with my last name ASAP. Got it?”

  Laughing, I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Jeez, sir. Yes, sir. How long before you knock me up?” I joked but wished I hadn’t when his face paled.

  “I’m happy with just Shiloh for now,” he clipped immediately. “I’ll go get Shiloh up and dressed for you.” He pressed one more kiss to my lips, then turned and nearly ran out of the kitchen.

  What on earth? Did Deck want more children or not? Oh, my God, what if he didn’t? I held a trembling hand against my flat stomach, my state of bliss suddenly dissolved.

  I didn’t want to voice my suspicions right at that moment, but that tree needed to be barked up sooner rather than later. Being without Deck was unthinkable, but could I also go without having my own baby?



  Fuck. I fucking panicked when Charlie mentioned getting pregnant. She looked devastated when I practically told her Shiloh would be enough for us.

  There was nothing I wanted more than seeing her round with my child, seeing her breastfeed our baby. A son would be a fucking dream, giving us one of each—the perfect family. He would protect his sister just as I protected his mother.

  Of course, I would be equally happy with another daughter. A little blonde girl with green eyes just like her mummy. Shiloh would be the best big sister.

  Fuck, I wanted that so bad, but I was also so fucking scared. Every time I saw Jason, I could still see his pain from losing his wife in childbirth. The poor bastard didn’t even get to keep her child as a reminder of her. He had to watch me hold her for the first time while watching as they wheeled his reason for living from the room, a sheet covering her lifeless body. And I took the baby home.