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- Leah Sharelle
Page 14
Darth came into the room, amusement on his face as he took in Vegas, who was now straddling the blow-up man doll that, for some ridiculous reason, had on a flannel shirt. Callie had been ripped off the offending doll by Steel only minutes before, and then was thrown over his shoulder, taken from the room as she giggled all the way out—presumably, to the privacy of his room. It hadn’t escaped my attention that Mia was staring at them. The couple were both long gone out of sight, but she was still staring, and the hurt look told me more than I needed to know. Yeah, one vagina to go, please.
Darth took Vegas by the hand and helped her off the doll before throwing it unceremoniously at Squid.
“Where the fuck were you, motherfucker, while all this fuckery was going down?” Darth questioned the young prospect. Although Darth wasn’t an officer of the club, he was a full patch, and the prospects answered to him, also.
Squid looked at Darth like he had just grown three heads.
“Are you fucking kidding me, brother?” he said shaking his head, his eyes wide. “I had to watch your woman hold and fondle vibrators and blow up fucking truck driver inspired sex dolls. And, Deck, why doesn’t your woman know anything about ticklers,” he all but shouted at me.
Mannix let out a loud chuckle. “Dude, did you just say fondle?’’ he asked, which started a chain of laughter from the rest of us.
“Fucking arseholes. I’m out of here,” Squid mumbled to himself as he headed off in the direction of Tori.
“I know far too much about my SAA’s dick,” I heard him mutter to himself, which caused me to erupt into more laughter.
“Hey, that’s not nice, mister,” Charlie scolded. “He had to put up with a lot of things he will probably never be able to forget,” she said with a giggle. I could see she was over her embarrassing moment, but I needed to reassure her about what went down with Rainn and me.
“Come here, Sweetness.” I held out my arms, and she quickly moved into them. I instantly wrapped my arms around her and dropped my mouth to the top of her head, kissing her soundly and making her giggle. Next to Shiloh’s giggle, it was my favourite sound—well, next to her groans of pleasure when I was balls deep in her. My mind was taking the perfect direction to finish off the night. Too much drama and not enough fucking pleasure. “Ready for bed, Sweetness?” I whispered into her hair.
She didn’t respond with words, but her head nodded against my chest as she hummed excitedly.
Chuckling, I moved her out of my arms and took her hand. “Brothers, time for me and my woman to take it to bed. I suggest you all do the same. It’s a school night, and Creed, you are on the school run tomorrow with Charlie and Shiloh,” I reminded him.
As usual, Creed was on the outside of the action looking in, but not involving himself too much, always keeping us at arm’s length. I couldn’t help but compare this Creed to the old Creed. Back then, he smiled. Back then, he was living. It made me sad to think just how much he lost the day his wife died.
“Absolutely, Sarge,” he answered. Straightaway, he headed off to his room on the second level of the compound. Most of us were down on the first level, but Creed wanted to be alone. We never argued with him, just left him alone most of the time.
I went straight to the bathroom when we got back to the room. Deck went to check on Shiloh to make sure she was still asleep. The loudness of the night didn’t reach the room. It rarely did. Stella and I had taken turns coming in and checking on her. Then it was just me after Stella had too much to drink and wasn’t able to be quiet coming in here. But I always had the monitor clipped to my waist just like Deck and the other guys had when it was their turn.
I loved that about the club guys. It really was one big family, and they all fell over themselves to make sure Shiloh always came first and stayed safe. Just as Deck made me feel.
After brushing my teeth and taking care of some personal hygiene, I changed into one of Deck’s old army T-shirts, and then, as a last-minute decision, I removed my panties, slipping them down my legs and tossing them into the laundry hamper. A hamper, mind you, that was brand new and all mine. Deck’s was blue, Shiloh’s was obviously pink, and now my new purple one. I grinned at how Stella went out of her way to make the club run smoothly and productively.
Hearing Deck coming out of his little girl’s room, I quickly forgot all about hampers and Stella. Now it was time to think about my man.
I walked into the room to see he had the bedroom lamp on instead of the bright overhead light. He had folded the covers back and was waiting for me in bed.
And oh, what a sight he was. His clothes were all off except for his tight, black boxers. They moulded to his thick, powerful thighs like a second skin, and my mouth just watered at the sight. My core clenched. Taking my time with my perusal, my eyes greedily took in Deck’s hard, toned washboard abs. He had three tattoos—one was Shiloh’s name right over his heart with the font thick and readable. The other one was his club’s insignia on his side, which the other men had, as well. Then down by his waistline, he had a few numbers and letters that I didn’t understand the meaning of. I was sure one day he would tell me, or maybe I would just ask.
Either way, the ink in no way took away the appeal of that man’s amazing torso. My hands ached to trace each muscle, or maybe this time, I could use my tongue. So many things I had yet to do to that man. And tonight would be another night of firsts for me. I smiled widely at the thought of what I had planned.
“What put that smile on your beautiful face, Sweetness?”
I was kind of nervous to ask, but I knew Deck would do just about anything for me. I knew because he told me regularly. The proof of his trust in me was he allowing me to drive Shiloh to and from school. But this was a bit different. Deck was always in control in the bedroom. Always. He knew what I wanted even if I wasn’t sure.
But this time, I wanted to show him how much he meant to me. The party had been kind of fun, a little embarrassing with the toys and everything. Then, of course, there was the whole drunk Rainn thing. A few weeks ago, I would have probably burst into tears and had a meltdown. But Deck showed me in so many ways that I was his one. Making a scene about it would have been an insult to him. He loved me. He wanted me. And he was loyal and faithful to me. I knew we were probably going to talk about it, but that could happen later. I had something to do first.
“Charlie?” Deck prompted, a smirk gracing his handsome face. Dammit! He always caught me daydreaming.
“I want control tonight,” I whispered shyly. I knew it was quite possible he would say no way, no how, enough said, but I was hoping this once, he wouldn’t.
Deck looked at me for a few good seconds, his grin knowing. “The party give you a few ideas, Sweetness?”
I nodded. I licked my bottom lip. I knew he loved when I did that. Most of the time, I didn’t even know I was doing it. But tonight, I was playing a part. Seductress. It wasn’t really me at all, except when I was on stage and dancing. Not the stripper stage—oh, no, that was something I couldn’t wait for it to leave my memories. No, I was talking about the ballet stage. Ballet was a seductive dance. The music and the dancer had to keep the audience enthralled and enraptured.
So, I may not have been on the stage and dancing Sleeping Beauty, but my man was my audience, and that gave me the courage to keep going.
I heard Deck’s intake of breath, and it spurred me on. Walking over to where my phone was, I took it and scrolled through it until I found the perfect song. I grinned to myself as I clicked on ‘Love Me Like You Do.’ Deck said he liked this song, but he didn’t realise it was from the one movie he had told me I couldn’t watch anymore. Ha, if he only knew Stella and I watched it all the time, both of them.
Laughing to myself, I took my place in front of the bed. The music started, and my body, as if on its own accord, moved slowly. The beat was slow as the words talked about him being the only one. Turning, I swayed around, making sure I didn’t reveal that
I had no underwear on. My body reacted to the words about setting my heart on fire because it was. I had let him set the pace, begging him to keep loving me like he did. My hands were all over my body as I walked around the room. I performed a small leap and then twirled around again, facing him. And what I saw nearly buckled my knees. Deck was lying on the bed but gone were his boxers. His large cock was in his hand. Oh, God. I could come from that sight alone.
What are you waiting for, Charlie, I asked myself silently. This was the moment I had been waiting for. So I did what I’d planned while in the bathroom. Reaching down my body, I ran my hand down until I reached the hem of my T-shirt, making sure to stroke the top of my thigh as I still played the part of the seductress. I suddenly turned around, and as I looked back over my shoulder, I gave Deck a wink. Then I quickly whipped the shirt over my head and held it to my chest. My arse was bare, and that was all he could see at that moment.
“Fuck, Sweetness.” Deck growled low in his throat. He had the deepest voice when he was turned on. His growl was so sexy and had the best effect on me. I especially liked it when he growled into my pussy. Oh, God, I was not sure how much longer I could take this.
“What’s on your mind there, Charlie?” Deck obviously noticed my waning concentration. I really needed to work on that.
“I was thinking how I love when you growl into my pussy,” I told him honestly. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I was a good girl. And I liked that, but with Deck in the bedroom, I could be a little naughty. And I really liked that, too.
“How about you bring that pussy over here and climb on my face, and I will show you how much you like me growling into your sweet, beautiful pussy, Sweetness.” His voice was rough and had a hint of urgency to it.
My eyes found his cock again, and I noticed he was pumping his hand up and down. The tip glistened with pre-cum. Then, suddenly, I had an idea. Another skill I wanted to develop.
Turning to face my man, I dropped the shirt and replaced it with my hands. My breasts were small, and my hands just about covered them completely. Deck seemed to be happy with their size, having spent an extraordinary amount of time sucking and nibbling on them. The memory of those times made my core clench tight.
“Take your hands away, Sweetness, and turn and face me properly.” Deck was using his dominant, take control voice. I was seriously close to falling to my knees and saying, ‘Yes, sir, three bags full, sir’ but I couldn’t. I had a plan.
I turned around so I was facing Deck, and doing as he said, I lowered my hands, but that was it. That was all he was getting. I was taking back control.
Smirking, I shook my head, and finding the courage from deep inside me, I lowered my hand to my pussy and began to stroke myself. I was wet. So wet. I coated my finger with my juices and slowly brought my finger to my mouth, keeping my eyes on his and not his dick. I sucked and licked it, tasting myself.
“Fuck me, Sweetness, that is so fucking hot, baby.” His voice was raspy, low and almost out of control. But I wanted him totally out of control. I wanted him to lose it like I did every time his hands or his mouth were on me.
“You want to know what I want, honey?” I whispered. I did not wait for him to answer. Keeping my movements slow, I made my way to the bed but made sure I stayed out of his reach. If Deck got his hands on me too soon, the show would be over, and I wasn’t ready for that yet. “I want your tongue deep inside my pussy while your huge cock is in my mouth,” I told him. I could hear the quiver in my voice as I said it. Being naughty did not come naturally to me, but I was enjoying the direction my life was taking with this man.
Deck’s sapphire blue eyes darkened more than I thought possible. His cock twitched in his hand.
“You have got ten seconds to get that sexy fucking body over here, straddle my face, and put my dick in your mouth before I come and get you, baby,” Deck said in a gravelly voice as he laid down on the bed properly with his head on the pillow. And that was all I needed to keep going, so I rushed over to him and put aside the good girl. For now. She had her place, but it wasn’t here now.
Deck reached out for me, and in seconds, I was up in his arms and turned so quickly, I was dizzy. My thighs were on either side of his face as my body faced towards his chest, and I could see his glorious erection. It was so beautiful, long and thick, and he didn’t have too much hair around his dick or his balls. My mouth watered at the thought of having him in my mouth. Then, suddenly, a scream left my throat as his mouth latched onto my pussy lips. It felt amazing as his tongue lapped at me the way he knew I liked.
“Oh, Deck, yes, yes, yes,” I cried out, over and over. The sensations of being licked and nibbled were too much, but I didn’t want him to stop. Then I remembered my plan, and I bent forward and grasped Deck’s cock. It was hot, smooth, and hard. Snaking my tongue out, I licked him from the tip to the base, making sure to taste the pre-cum spilling from the purple head. It was so hard that it looked painful.
The growl that left Deck’s mouth vibrated through my core, and I came, seeing stars as I did. I couldn’t help but moan long and deep around his cock. As I felt his mouth suck deeply, I could hear my juices were close to overflowing. He had to be drowning. I lifted my hips a bit so I was not smashing myself so hard onto his face, but he pulled me straight back down harder. His grip on my hips was hard. I knew I was going to have his marks there in the morning.
I felt his mouth swipe up and down my slit four more times before he broke away. “Charlie, baby, I don’t want to come in your mouth. Not tonight, Sweetness,” he begged me. His tone was desperate.
I released his cock with a pop, and it glistened with my saliva. I wanted him in me, too, but there was one last step in my plan. I prayed he didn’t lose control and take matters into his own hands. I surged up from his chest and quickly but awkwardly turned myself around.
Deck helped me right myself as I straddled him again, only the right way this time. He placed his hands on my neck and brought me down so he could kiss me, his mouth devouring mine. Our lips moved furiously against each other. I moaned against his lips as I let his kiss sweep me away. I opened my eyes and was surprised to find his eyes were open, too. They were dark and full of passion. Passion for me.
I broke the kiss slightly, our lips still touching, but I needed to breathe. “I love you, Deck.”
“I love you, Charlie.”
My heart was so full of this man.
“Honey, I want to be on top.” This was so important to me. I knew how it felt to have him in so many other ways. Now I wanted this. To give him everything. I wanted to ride my man.
Fuck me! How did I get so fucking lucky? My woman was on top of me, her lips swollen from sucking my cock and my kisses, her face flushed with passion. She loved me and wanted to ride me. I was almost scared it was going to be ripped away from me.
I knew I didn’t love Zoe, and she never meant anywhere near as much as Charlie does now, and I certainly never loved her like I did Charlie. But her death hurt me. We were friends, and she was the mother of my little girl. I knew if I lost Charlie, I would never survive.
“Ride me, Sweetness. Take me deep into your pussy and come all over my dick. Please, please, Charlie,” I begged her. Me, begging? Fucking unheard of. But this tiny ballerina had taken hold of me and claimed ownership of my heart. Moving her back a bit, I reached between our bodies to guide my cock into her, but she stopped me.
“Let me,” she demanded. Then my beautiful woman took me in her tiny hand and lifted her hips. I knew she had no clue how to do this, and it turned me on even more. She was stepping out of her comfort zone.
I covered her hand with mine and helped her fit me to her opening. I needed to. If she kept her hand squeezed around me much longer, I was going to come and ruin everything.
After easing inside her, I let her take back control since it seemed like it was important to her. She needed to feel like she was driving the show, and in some ways, she was. She
was in control of my heart, guaranteed.
Her face was a picture of passion and concentration as she eased her way down on my length. This position should be easier for her in some ways, but taking all of me while she was on top, I wasn’t sure she could accomplish it, but fuck, I was all for her giving it a go.
“Deck, oh God, honey,” she cried out, throwing her head back. Her long blonde hair tickled my thighs.
Fuck, I loved it when she called me honey. No one ever called me that, and I only wanted Charlie to do it.
“Sweetness, baby, I know this is your gig, but please, I need to touch you.” Again, I was begging.
“Yes, please, touch me, honey.” Her voice was thick with want and need as her hands took mine and placed them on her perfect tits. Fuck, it was so erotic to see her take over and show me what she wanted. I wasn’t saying she was going to be in control every time, but I may let her do this to me once a month.
Charlie was rocking back and forth, taking me deeper with each downward thrust motion. But I could see she was struggling to keep the pace. She needed my help. It wasn’t taking over, but I needed to get her to her climax so I could empty my balls deep into her cunt.
Reluctantly releasing her beautiful breasts, I put my hands on her hips and guided her up and down. Rocking was fine, but I was an impatient bastard and wanted to see my woman come apart on top of me.
Charlie picked up her pace with my help as my hips bucked under her. Doing an ab crunch, I sat up and took her nipple into my mouth. Her nipples were so sensitive, and I had brought her to orgasm more than once just with breast play.
“Oh, yes, yes, Deck, that’s it,” she cried out, thrusting her tit further into my mouth.
“Hmmmmm,” I hummed around my delicious mouthful. Christ, how could her taste get sweeter and sweeter every time?