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His Honey (The Wounded Souls Book 2) Page 13
His Honey (The Wounded Souls Book 2) Read online
Page 13
Nodding, my head, I wholeheartedly agreed. “Yeah, it took me a bit, and I nearly lost her in the process in more ways than one, but yeah, she is mine, and I am hers. After this, she and I are going to spend some quality time together.”
“Want to tell us about Ingrid?”
Ugh, not really, but I had to tell them. They deserved the truth, and they needed to hear everything.
“She has been helping me sleep. She studies, and I sleep. When I have a nightmare, she wakes me straightaway. You know what happens when I dream about Carson. All of you know what I do. I don’t like it, I fucking hate it, and I feel less of a man because of it.” I hated the defeat I heard in my voice and the way my nightmares made me feel weak.
“Booth, mate.”
Deck started to protest, but I put up a hand up and stopped him. “It is how I feel, Deck. You have always been able to remove yourself from situations of blame and see the bigger picture. I can’t. I feel the failure of that day like it was yesterday. I was the CO on that mission, so it was my job to foresee any problems and prepare for them. Running out of ammunition was a rookie mistake, and I was no rookie,” I said vehemently.
“Booth, no one knew that ambush was going to happen,” Mannix interjected, his eye patch reminding me of that day when he lost his eye and his blood brother lost his leg. The day Carson died.
“I was the chief commanding officer, and it was my job to bring every one of my men home. And that’s it. End it, please. Now I am going to work on this problem, and I know you have my back.” There were nods all around. These men had been to hell and back and then went back for more with me. Their support went without saying.
“I think maybe Stella is right,” Steel said out of the blue. “It’s time to start seeing what is right in front of us, brothers. I, for one, am going to start. I am thinking about asking Callie to marry me.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Creed exploded from his seat, getting up so quickly that he overturned it. “Why the fuck would you want to marry that gash when Mia is so fucking perfect?”
Steel jumped up from his seat, his fists clenched at his sides. In a fair fistfight, I would put my money on my VP—his height alone was an advantage, plus, he was fucking strong—but if you added some MMA to the mix, my road captain would win easily. Creed was a powerful fucker, and he had a fair bit of crazy in him, which fed his anger.
“I would watch how you say about Callie if I was you, brother. And if Mia is so fucking perfect, why don’t you go for her,” Steel goaded Creed, but from the tick in his jaw, he didn’t look like he enjoyed what he said. Steel had his head up his arse about Mia for a year or more now, but if he were going to propose to Callie, he might want to curb her extracurricular bedroom activities first.
“Maybe I fucking will,” Creed answered, his words knocking the cocky grin right off my VP’s face.
“How the fuck can you ask Callie to marry you if she hasn’t even seen your leg?” Darth said with a growl. Darth had stayed quiet during all of my shit so far. He was next to me when the IED blew Carson to pieces, and he helped me pick my brother up, finding bits from the ground, and loading him up in an old blanket we found. We had never spoken of that day, and I guessed we never would, at least, not of our own free will. I looked over to Mannix and noticed his look of concern.
“Brother, you can’t marry a woman who finds that repulsive—her fucking words, not mine, remember? Think about this, Steel, please, before you decide. Find out where she was last night and who she was with. Find out where she goes when she leaves for weeks at a time. Marriage should be forever, not full of lies and betrayals,” Mannix said to his brother quietly, and I knew Mannix was speaking from experience. The betrayal he lived with every day kept him from any kind of commitment with Rainn. The club’s stunning dancer was just a plaything for him, or so he would like us to believe. Their arrangement was weird and not something I would ever enter into, but they seemed to be happy. So whatever.
Steel gave Mannix a curt chin lift. I could see he was holding his temper at what they had said to him, which was the plain and simple truth. Callie was a gash, no matter how harsh that seemed. I had seen her with the prospects in recent weeks, and I knew she was making the rounds of some of the guys on Deck’s construction crew. There wasn’t too much that got past my radar. The only people to get by me so far was Rogue and my own girlfriend, who had been hiding brutal beatings from me to protect my club—no, couldn’t forget that fucking shit for one minute.
“Sort it out, Steel. Callie needs to learn a bit more respect for the club and the women here. Charlotte and Stella are queens here, and Mia is not far off, in my mind. I won’t have Callie mouthing off. The other day, I heard her telling Shiloh to shut up.” I chanced a look at Deck, and my sergeant-at-arms gritted his teeth but said nothing. He knew Steel had copped enough on Callie’s behalf, but my guess was the bitch would be on the receiving end of a mouthful the moment Deck laid eyes on her again.
“The fuck?” Steel growled. His devotion to the club’s princess was just like everyone else’s, one hundred percent.
“Brother,” Darth warned, getting up from his seat for the first time since entering the room. Shiloh had his complete and total submission. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.
Steel held his hands out in a show of acknowledgment. “I got it, brothers. That shit will never fly, and I understand your concerns, but just give me a minute to figure this shit out. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. I want kids, and I want a wife. I want Deck’s life,” he added and laughed at Deck’s expression. There wasn’t any chance in hell Deck would ever let any man sniff at Teach let alone take her from him, but Steel had achieved what he set out to do. The whole room erupted into laughter, and Creed grunted once or twice.
But it was weird. For the first time since loading my brother into the Humvee that fateful day, I felt lighter. There was no talk of Rogue. He didn’t belong in this moment with my brothers.
“I am so sorry, Stella. If I knew this would go down the way it has, I would never have agreed to such secrecy.” Ingrid apologised to me for what seemed like the hundredth time in the twenty minutes since she’d turned up at the club to explain herself to me. She had just arrived when Booth fell to his knees and broke down. I hadn’t seen her, but she was standing off to the side watching Booth and me. According to Mia, she had looked horrified.
I understood so much more now. Booth would have explained the whole thing to me eventually, but it would have been filled with macho bullshit about why he couldn’t seek help. I imagine there would have been a lot of ‘I am ashamed’ and ‘I am a man,’ and ‘I don’t cry’ rubbish, and I probably would have yelled at him. So this was a far better way to find out. But he was crazy if he thought I didn’t already know. I prowled the compound on some nights, searching for a private area to lay my head and get a few hours of sleep, or should I say, I used to. My place was now with Booth, in his life and in his bed, by his side.
“Will you please stop apologising? Now that I know I don’t have to punch you in your perfect titties, I am fine,” I said deadpan, enjoying watching Mia and Charlotte choke on their chocolate biscuits. Serves them right for buying store-bought crap. Mine were ten times better than any Aunty could ever make.
“Stella, that was horrible,” Charlotte spluttered around her mouth full of fake biscuit.
“Yes, it was, wasn’t it?” The deep voice said from behind me, and God, did I love that voice. I turned to face the owner and gave him a sassy smile.
“Well, hello there, handsome. Decided to come out of the bat cave, have we?” I loved the playfulness between us, and I loved the smile that graced his handsome face even more. Booth smiling was a sight I would never get tired of, and I planned on seeing them more and more. There were no more secrets between us now. We were free to live our lives together.
Reaching out to me, Booth hoisted me off the bar stool.
“Come for a ride with me, Honey? I want to have sex with you on my bike.” He growled into my ear when I pushed myself hard against his semi-hard erection. Judging from the gasps of the others, I thought he might have said it a little too loudly. Laughing, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
“You betcha, handsome, as long as you buy me an ice cream afterwards,” I sassed back at him as I laced my fingers with his. Booth brought our joined hands up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to each of my knuckles before leaning down and touching his lips to mine, lingering for a few delicious minutes.
“I’ll buy you the fucking moon if I could figure out how, Honey,” he whispered against my mouth.
“Oh, God, I have to go find Deck. We are so having sex on his motorcycle.” As Charlotte bustled herself off the stool, she took a handful of biscuits with her, and then took off in search of her fiancé, making Booth and I laugh. Even Mia, who had been sad lately, smiled wistfully at the pretty teacher. Then her smile fell, and I watched her mask go up. Turning, I looked at what had her attention.
Steel and Callie were in the main room, off by the pool tables, and they looked to be arguing. When Callie turned her head and saw us staring at them, her gaze found Mia and me, and all of a sudden, I felt evilness from the blonde woman. I ignored the shiver that ran down my spine and focused on my man. I get to have sex on his bike! Yay me!
The rest of my day was spent with my woman. We just rode around for hours, and I loved having her at my back. She belonged beside me always, but having her on the back of my bike was a feeling of pure euphoria. Her beautiful legs wrapped around me and her arms around my waist as her hands roamed from my collarbone to the ever-growing bulge in my jeans. She held herself as close to me as she possibly could. The minx knew how to turn me on. Stella got her ice cream but not before I found a nice secluded spot by a lake where I fucked her senseless on my bike, and then laid her out on the soft grass and made sweet love to her. My heart felt light and free for the first time since my brother’s death.
“Stella, where are you going?” I grumbled from my spot on the bed. My woman was getting dressed. Like fuck she was. I wanted her again. I woke with a hard-on to end all hard-ons, but my blonde beauty had been in a sex-induced coma, and I hadn’t had the heart to wake her. So I made myself get some more sleep. Now my woman was covering up that sexy-as-sin body, and that did not make me happy.
“Booth, you know we are going to try on dresses for the wedding. Charlotte is having a meltdown because she needs another alteration to her dress. So now we have to try ours on again and see if we need alterations, too,” she explained as she put her arms through the straps of her bra.
Hmmm, her breasts are so fucking glorious. I had spent hours and hours with those babies in the last three weeks since Stella forced me to get my head out of my arse and come clean about everything. Now she was in our bed every night, and so far, her stepfuckers—I refused to call them her family—had left her alone. Darth went and got her stuff with no problems at all. He said they stayed out of his way once he got out his Bowie knife and sat at the kitchen table and carved a picture of a gun into it while the prospects took anything and everything that was on Stella’s list of things she wanted from the house.
I laughed at the image of Darth with his man bun and his fucking massive Bowie knife. Shiloh had been asking for one, but we couldn’t find a fake one that wouldn’t put her eye out. Plus, Deck said Charlotte had a fit over the idea. Being pregnant, she had become a tad emotional. Anything set her off, and the crying was positively scary as fuck. All the members of the club did our best to make sure Teach’s crying jags were few and far between, and, fuck, this was just the first trimester. Jesus Christ, save us.
“Booth, are you listening to me?”
Shaking off the daydream I’d disappeared into, I looked at my honey.
“No, I would much rather you come here and ride me.” My dick was hard as steel watching her shimmying her breasts into the cups of her bra with only her panties on, and Stella had a liking for thongs only. A habit I fully supported.
“Oh, okay, if I must.” She sassed at me, her pretence of grudgingly giving in made me laugh.
God, I loved this woman. I smiled as she reached behind her back and released her bra, letting it fall to the ground and giving me an eyeful of my favourite playthings. Her panties joined it seconds later. Oh, fuck me, please. I would never, ever tire of seeing Stella naked. Fuck, I wouldn’t tire of anything about Stella. She was the blood running through my veins.
“You okay, baby?” Stella was standing beside the bed, looking down at me, and her naked body made my cock harder than I thought possible. Reaching out, I helped her straddle my hips. Since our first time together, Stella had gotten good at asking for what she wanted to do in bed, and I found out quickly she liked being on top. She could spend an exorbitant amount of time, grinding her sexy body back and forth on my dick, not that I was complaining because she also got to spend copious amounts of time under my body, too.
“Never better, Honey, never better. Now ride your man. I got shit to do today, and so do you, it seems.” I laughed as she swatted my chest, but the laugh turned into a groan when she raked her fingers across my nipples then bent down and ran her tongue over the flat disc, soothing the graze from her nail. Oh, God, she knew how to push my buttons. I fucking loved when she played with my nipples.
“Stella, fuck me.” I growled, taking advantage of her position that put one perfect breast was right in front of my mouth. Taking the brown nipple into my mouth, I sucked hard, bringing the blood to the surface and making it fat with arousal. Stella’s answering moan fuelled my need for release. Last night, I fucked her into a coma. I should have nothing left in me, and my dick should be broken, but all it took was watching my woman put a bra on, and I was ready to go again.
“Oh, Booth, yes, baby. That feels so good.” She moaned, grinding against my dick, not letting him in where he needed to be. Fuck, when she called me baby, my heart did so much girlie shit I should give away my man card, but fuck, I loved it. I needed to be inside her warm, tight pussy.
“Stella,” I warned her. The woman had a love of foreplay like you wouldn’t believe. Normally, I would indulge her as long as she liked, but today was a busy day for us both. I had a run to go on with Creed, Steel, and two of the prospects. It wasn’t going to take too long, half the day at most, but I did want to get moving so I could be back before Charlotte’s wedding dress fuckery got finished.
“Put your cock inside me, baby,” she said, purring above me. She sat up with her back arched as her hands covered her large breasts. They were just heavy enough that they got this delicious sexy sway when she rode me. Fuck, I loved watching her play with herself. I could come just from that alone.
Taking my cock in my hand, I worked it through her wet folds, getting him slick for the entry. Stella was tiny and tight as fuck. Even after all the sex that we’d had, every time felt like the first.
I tapped her thigh and gave her the go-ahead to slide down on me. One of the things she liked to do was to slide her pussy slowly onto my cock, shimmy, swivel, and then rotate her hips. Her bottom lip always made its way between her teeth, and as she munched away on it, she concentrated on her task of taking me balls deep. It drove me fucking insane with desire, and when she added the moans and purrs, I went off like a fucking rocket.
Watching her for a sign that she was ready to move, I gritted my teeth so hard I thought I might shatter a few of them.
“Move, baby, make me come,” her soft voice begged me.
Oh, thank fuck. Granting her wish, I gripped her hips in a punishing hold, but I knew she loved it. She had developed a liking for dirty talk and a little rough sex on occasion. My perfect partner. But there were times when I didn’t want to leave bruises or talk dirty. Sometimes, I wanted soft, gentle, and whispered words of love. Either way, my honey was right there with me.r />
I bent my knees so she was able to lean back on them, and with the strength of my arms, I lifted her up and down. She was so lost in the magic we were creating, she was being lazy and leaving all the heavy work to me, but I didn’t care. If she was playing with her tits the way she was, I would do anything for her.
“Booth baby, I can feel it. It’s coming,” she said with a groan, her voice low and sultry.
I felt the flutter of her inner muscles squeezing me, and my woman in the throes of a climax was the best fucking feeling in the world.
“Come for me, Honey. Coat my dick in that beautiful cream.” Oh, fuck, Stella, come on. Come, for fuck’s sake.
“Booth, Booth, Booth,” she screamed, and the erotic image of her tweaking her own nipples as her pussy gripped my dick so hard with every pulse of her climax sent me over the edge of sexual bliss.
“Fuck, Stella.” I let out a roar as my climax nailed me dead-centre in my spine. I had never come so hard in my life. It almost hurt. I could still feel her inner core muscles milking everything I had left, which shouldn’t have been much! Her body dropped to my chest with an oomph. I immediately wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. I needed to get up, and so did she, but I couldn’t bring myself to give a fuck about what I had to do today. My woman just fucked my brains out, and I felt brilliant.
“Oohh, Boothie poos, that was soooo good,” she mumbled into my chest, and I burst out laughing. Fuck, I loved this woman.
“Do you think we should call someone to perform an exorcism?” Mia asked half-serious as we watched Charlotte have her tenth bridezilla moment for the afternoon. I was late for our trip, thanks to Booth’s luscious cock, which had sparked her first fit, and it had gone that way since we arrived at the dress shop. This current one was about her choice of sash colour that wrapped around her waist. She first chose a bluish-pink, but once she saw it on, she wasn’t sure, so now she was thinking about a champagne colour.