Page 12

  She didn’t seem to mind that he had left her alone. In fact, she was having a good time from what I could see.

  I knew if that were me, and Deck was cozying up to the made-up and fake-boobed monster, I wouldn’t be handling it as well as Rainn was. Oh, well. To each their own.

  I felt him before I saw him.

  In the two weeks since Deck had moved Winnie and me into the compound, our relationship quickly developed. I knew there were some who would say it was too quick. And sure, it was, but it was working for us.

  It was as if we were meant to meet. Like I was made to love him. He was everything to me. Shiloh was everything to me. I wanted children, for sure, and I wanted them with Deck. I wasn’t too sure how he felt about more children after the way Shiloh had come to him, though. We had time to figure all that out. Although at the rate Deck had us moving, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had me barefoot and pregnant with twins by the end of the night. The rueful thought made me giggle-snort.

  Shiloh, thinking this was hilarious, giggled and snorted with me. Just as I was about to reach down and tickle the raven-haired sweetheart, I felt him touch me. My body was on sensory overload whenever he was in touching distance. I loved it, and I loved him. I longed to say those three words but chickened out every time there was an opportunity to say them. And there had been plenty of times. Since my first, and him taking my virginity finally, Deck hadn’t been able to keep his hands off me and vice versa. Deck taught me wonderful things in bed. Things I loved and things I couldn’t get enough of. Him. I couldn’t get enough of Deck Johnston.

  “Did you just snort?” Deck’s amused voice pulled me from my daydream of all things Deck.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, sir,” I replied, pretending to be offended, which Shiloh found extremely funny

  “She did, Daddy. And me did, too,” Shiloh whispered—loudly.

  “You did? Why you little piggy.” Deck laughed as he made a grab for his daughter. Her squeals of delight rang through the room despite the music, which had changed from Tchaikovsky’s Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Shiloh’s very favourite ballet, to Free Bird playing over the sound system.

  People were dancing around us. Shiloh was very much a part of this world. At first, I had been apprehensive about the little girl seeing bad things, but I had been horribly wrong. Insulting Deck’s parenting was a mistake I didn’t intend to make ever again.

  Looking at him with his daughter now, her happiness was obvious to anyone looking in. I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted my own happily-ever-after, and I wanted it with Deck and Shiloh.

  I hadn’t heard the song change over again until Deck came up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “Dance with me, Sweetness.” His words were low, his voice husky with need. He needed me. My heart started fluttering as he turned me in his arms and started moving us to the beautiful rock ballad by Bob Seger.

  “There is nowhere I want to be more than here in your arms, honey,” I whispered as we swayed. The upbeat but slow tempo of the song was easy to dance to without too much effort.

  Deck tightened his arms around me and pulled our bodies impossibly close. His mouth brushed against my ear as he sang about never losing me and about me living in his heart. His voice was beautifully husky and surprisingly good as the last part of the song about not believing how much a person meant to the singer was sung to me.

  It was a moment I would never forget—Deck’s closest friends milling around us while his amazing daughter raced about playing. And this man. My man. Holding me, telling me everything… Wait, was he telling me that he…loved me?

  With my heart beating nearly out of my chest, I looked up at Deck. His eyes were smouldering with desire, but there was something else.

  Suddenly, I was calm. A wave of serenity fell over me, and I knew it was the moment I had been waiting for.

  “I love you,” I said softly. My smile had to be at least a mile wide, and the smile that broke across Deck’s face told me I got the moment right. So right.

  “Oh, Sweetness, say it again,” he demanded. His face was only inches from mine, and I felt his hot breath fanning across my face, warming me down to my toes and back up again.

  Cupping his handsome face in my palms, I looked deeply into his blue eyes. “I love you, Deck,” I repeated with a soft breath.

  “I’m so fucking in love with you, Charlie, I can’t see straight,” he declared. His smile was bright and happy as his lips fell to mine in a passionate kiss, his tongue instantly seeking out mine for a dance of their own. His hands were on my back, gently caressing me from neck to bum as he held me hard against his chiselled, muscled body.

  His kisses were quickly turning urgent as I took him deeper into my mouth. He was grinding his very hard erection behind the denim of his jeans into my lower belly. It was times like this I loved my height. He was so close to my spandex-covered pussy. A word Deck insisted I used now after he’d laughed for a full five minutes when I begged him to touch my vagina one night during an amazing night of lovemaking.

  “It’s your pussy, Sweetness, when we are making love. But, Sweetness, when we fuck, it’s your cunt. You get me, Charlie?”

  Oh, I got him, all right. I got him that night in so many ways. But there was still one thing he had not let me do, something I really wanted. I had heard some of the girls around the club talk about it openly. And Vegas was a wealth of information about different techniques and such.

  “Charlie, aren’t you impressed with my kissing skills?”

  Huh, what? Why weren’t we kissing anymore? “Pardon?”

  “We were getting hot and heavy there, Sweetness, then you just kinda fell off the kiss.”

  I ducked my head, feeling silly for getting lost again in my thoughts. “Your skills are perfect, honey. I was just thinking about a skill I still need to learn and perfect.”

  “And what skill would that be, Sweetness?” he asked as his mouth travelled along my throat. His tongue left a warm, wet trail on my heated skin, and my whole body shivered at his touch. It was a reaction I hoped I would always have.

  But tonight, I wanted to make Deck shiver from my touch and, more importantly, from my mouth. Tonight, I was not going to take no for an answer, no matter how much he told me he liked giving me pleasure with his mouth and tongue. Tonight, I wouldn’t be swayed. Deck would be letting me give him a blow job.

  I reached out with my hands and pulled his head down closer so I could speak into his ear. My seductive plan started now. Tracing my tongue along the shell of his ear, I gave it a little blow of air before I took his lobe between my teeth and grazed it gently.

  “I want your dick in my mouth. I want to know how it feels. I want you to do to me what I do to you when your mouth is on my pussy.” I growled softly in his ear. I could feel the effect of my words on him as his body shivered and tensed under my hands. Smiling in victory, I knew he was going to let me. He had to. My words had turned me on, but just in case he wasn’t quite convinced, I went in for the kill. “I want your cum down my throat.”

  Suddenly, I was in the air, my body tossed over his shoulder. A slap on my butt was my answer. Victory! I silently cheered myself on.

  “Shiloh, bedtime. Let’s go,” Deck yelled for his daughter to follow. From my upside-down vantage point, I could see Shiloh laughing and following us. Winnie was coming with her.

  I loved that Deck wasn’t palming her off. He showed me every day how important I was to him, but he always showed the world that Shiloh was his number one in his life. How could you not love a man for that?

  It had taken us a good hour after leaving the party to get Shiloh settled and asleep—two stories and a promise of dancing Cinderella the next day at day care before she finally went down. But luckily, with Shiloh, once she was down, she was out. The child could sleep through all noises, loud parties, roaring Harleys, or even my screaming, but with a door between her and us, I didn’t feel too creepy and embarrassed.

  My man’s dick was in my mouth.

  I wanted to shout it from the rooftop. I was giving my man a blow job, and I was pretty sure he was enjoying it if the low moans and groans were anything to go by.

  “Fuck me, Sweetness. Yeah, you got this skill thing so right.” Deck moaned as I lathed his beautiful dick with my wet tongue. I was using the whole arsenal of instructions Vegas had given me. She wanted to show me with a dildo, but I very quickly vetoed that idea and just went with an instructional lesson. And boy, did Julie, aka Vegas, know her stuff. Darth must be a very happy man, I thought absently as my tongue went all the way down and traced Deck’s balls.

  Remembering my lesson, I brought my hand up and gently cupped his balls in my hand. Vegas had said to treat them like Chinese stress balls. So, I rolled them around gently in my hand, loving the way they were so soft but tightened when I touched them, loving the way Deck was responding to my new-found skills.

  I thought this might be my new favourite thing. Humming in response, I took note of his groan of approval when I made noises while sucking. It was a happy moment when opening my mouth wider, I took him deeper and discovered I had no gag reflex. Deck must have thought so too as I deep-throated him over and over, not even caring that my saliva was pooling at the sides of my mouth.

  “Charlie, Charlie, oh, fuck me, fuck, baby, I’m going to come,” he said in the sexiest goddamned voice I had ever heard from him. My pussy clenched at the sound.

  Yes, honey, give me everything, I silently urged him. Then I used the last trick from Vegas. I took him to the back of my throat and made swallowing motions.

  Deck’s hand constricted in my hair as he growled deep in his throat, a sound I hadn’t heard him use yet—pained yet he also sounded thrilled.

  “Fucking love you,” he shouted out.

  Then his cock stiffened in my mouth. I wasn’t too sure what was happening, and when I glanced up at him, he looked like he was in pain. His had thrown his head back, his neck muscles corded, and his veins bulged. Then it happened. Jets of his warm cum coated the back of my throat. It was warm and salty, but not too unpleasant. I swallowed as fast as I could, taking it all, not leaving a drop to go to waste.

  I felt powerful. I, Charlotte Jackson—former ballet dancer, aka Charlie, aka Teach—just made a massive, handsome, trained weapons expert, biker and sergeant at arms, father of one… come and come hard. Yes, please, applaud. But my basking in the moment didn’t last long as Deck unceremoniously flipped me onto my back on the bed.

  “Deck,” I shrieked a little too loudly, but come on, the man’s strength was ridiculous.

  Climbing up my body, Deck settled between my open legs. I was already naked and wet. Deck’s growls and grunts had seen to that.

  “My turn.”



  She loved me! Looking down at my woman, her lips were puffy and red from being wrapped around my dick, her eyes were glazed over, and her face was flushed. There was never a more beautiful sight. I wished I had my phone handy so I could take a photo of that moment—although it would be forever ingrained in my memory. The sight of my sweet, dancing girl sucking the fuck out of my cock, her cheeks hollowing as she took me so fucking deep, I swore I hit the back of her throat, then watching her suck my cum out of me without spilling any. Taking all of me.

  Fucking beautiful.

  And she loved me. Thank fuck for that.

  “Sweetness, that was amazing. Thank you. Now I’m going to make you so fucking wet, and then you will scream for me to let you come.” My words were low and whispered.

  And I meant all of them. Charlie was about to be fucked and fucked very hard.

  This is going to be a long night, was my last thought before I got lost between my woman’s thighs.



  My truck turned the corner, leaving my line of sight, and the familiar ache in my chest appeared. The two most important people in my life were in that truck. Charlie was driving herself and Shiloh to day care today. My day was so full that it would be a miracle if I made it home before dark. I agreed the best option was Charlie driving them herself. Darth, Seb, and Squid were all out of town on various errands, for either the club or the bike shop. I wasn’t happy leaving Charlie and Shiloh out without someone with them. From the day she was born, Shiloh always had eyes on her, but today, we were stretched thin.

  With the strange things happening to our business, all of the officers of the club had to stay close to his own business.

  Seb and Squid were out picking up a few new bikes a customer wanted to have customised. Darth was off doing something for Booth. What, I didn’t know, but I did know Booth was getting pissed. He had a lot on his mind as president of the club and head of so many successful businesses. And some weird shit was going on with him and Stella, the clubs housekeeper slash cook.

  It was funny to watch him following her with his eyes and scowling at her.

  My phone rang in my pocket and broke me from my thoughts. “Yo, you got Deck.”

  “Deck brother.” It was Darth, and his voice was hard.

  Instantly, I was on alert. “What is it, Darth?”

  “Where’s Booth? He ain’t answering his phone.”

  “I saw him with Ingrid earlier. He’s stressed the fuck out, and Ingrid has the skills.”

  I had not personally experienced her relaxation methods, and I wouldn’t feel the need in the future, either—I smiled as I thought about the night before and Charlie’s determination to give me her very first blow job.

  Adjusting my dick in my jeans, which had just gotten a little tighter behind my zip, I focused back on my call with Darth.

  “Brother, I need to speak to you both. Now.”

  My training instantly kicked in, and I knew it was serious, so I was already on the move. “Hold on, brother. I’m just heading back in now. I was on my way to my bike, then to the building site,” I explained as I jogged back into the compound with the phone still to my ear.

  “You didn’t drop Shiloh off?”

  “No, mate, too much shit going on today, so Charlie is driving them in my truck. Should have seen her, brother, sitting up like a jackrabbit in the driver’s seat. Both she and Squirt laughed their heads off when Charlie revved the engine.” I laughed with Darth, but his mood grew serious again.

  “Squirt okay?”

  Shiloh was very important to him. The bond they had was a testament to the big fucker’s loyalty and character. I couldn’t imagine what Shiloh and I would have done without him in the early days. Or now.

  “She’s good. Misses you. She told Charlie this morning she had to wear her new camo tights with her tutu.” I grunted a laugh. Darth had found a place online that sold kids’ stuff in camo patterns. Anything military in kid sizes. So Shiloh had a few new additions to her overflowing wardrobe.

  “You get her text this morning?” I asked him as I passed by Stella, who I was positive had been crying. Her face was hiding from me as she busied herself with cleaning the bar area.

  “Yeah, sent one back.”

  A man of few words, I thought absently, but my mind was stuck on Stella. “Hold up, brother,” I said to Darth, holding the phone away from my ear.

  “Stell, you okay, honey?” I asked her softly.

  Stella and Zoe had been friends. She had a fucked-up family life, so she liked to hang out here with Zoe. But when Zoe died, Stella kind of disappeared for a few years. Then a month or so ago, she came to me and asked if she could work around the club. She was like a little sister to me, so I flat out refused to let her be a soul girl, which was what we called the girls who hung out at the club at nights and at the parties we held.

  There were no expectations from any of the men, and the girls didn’t have to lie on their backs unless they offered it.

  Never, ever did any of the guys demand blow jobs or sex from any of the girls. Ever.

  Stella wiped the tears from her cheeks. She was hurt. Heart hurt.

  Fucking Booth.

  “I’m fine, Deck. If you are looking for the pres, he headed for the war room a few minutes ago,” she replied, but her gaze was on Ingrid, the buxom brunette making her way from the main bedrooms.

  Booth’s room I was thinking.

  It didn’t escape my attention she didn’t use Booth’s name.

  I wanted to talk to her, find out what and where her head was at, but I too much shit going on had me swamped. One being the big fucker on the other end of my phone yelling at me.

  “Come find me later, okay?”

  “Okay, Deck,” Stella agreed, but I had my doubts. Stella was a bit of a ghost around here. For a cleaning lady and main cook for the club, she was pretty hard to find most days. Just ask Booth.

  I put the phone back up to my ear only to hear Darth ranting and raving still. Shit, he probably kept talking even when I wasn’t listening. “Will you calm the fuck down, Darth? There is something wrong with Stella, and I’m guessing our pres is in need of having his head pulled out of his arse.”

  “You said Ingrid? Right, brother?” Darth said.

  “Vegas is filling in at the gun shop, brother. It’s all good.”

  Darth was in love with Vegas, that much I knew. We all knew Vegas was off limits, and no one had asked her to their room for two years or more since Darth laid his unofficial claim on her. What held him back from making her his and marrying her was beyond me.

  But I am different from Darth, I suppose. After all, I claimed my sweetness hours after I met her.

  Darth’s only answer was a grunt. Finally making it to the war room, I opened the door to find Booth staring at the security monitors. He looked gutted at whatever it was he was watching. I didn’t need to be a psychic to know he had seen Stella crying after Ingrid made her way from the rooms.